Surrendering a pet to the Northwoods Humane Society At NHS, we realize that owners may need to surrender/give up a pet for a variety of reasons. We hope to make this difficult decision less stressful for both you and your pet. The Northwoods Humane Society primarily serves Sawyer County and the surrounding areas. However, if you reside outside of our primary service area and have not been able to find a safe place for your pet to go, please please follow the directions below so that we can try to help you! NHS does NOT charge a fee for you to surrender a pet. We will gladly accept any monetary or supply donations you can give, to help us care for the animals staying at our shelter. NHS does require an appointment to surrender a pet. Once you submit your surrender form we will contact you as soon as we have room for your pet. NHS is a NO Kill Shelter. Which means, we do not euthanize animals for space, the only time we will euthanize a pet is if the animal is so aggressive that it can not be handled or is terminally ill and we can not manage it’s pain. This also means that we have to wait for space to bring your pet in. When we do contact you to bring in your pet, please DO bring along any vet records you may have for your pet, or the contact information for the vet your pet last visited. We ask you to fill out a short profile about your animal, to get us on the right track to finding your pet its new loving home when we can take it. Please fill out the appropriate form below to get your information in our system so that we can contact you.